
Industry Takeover Series 2024

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The Industry Takeover Series is back for 2024. Join us at Talent House in March for a selection of talks, masterclasses and panels...

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  • Imagen principal de Industry Takeover Series: Legal 101 Know Your Rights

    Industry Takeover Series: Legal 101 Know Your Rights

    Wed, Jul 31, 6:30 PM

    Desde $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Industry Takeover Series: How To Get Paid with PPL

    Industry Takeover Series: How To Get Paid with PPL

    Wed, Jun 26, 6:30 PM

    Desde $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Industry Takeover Series: Songwriting Workshop

    Industry Takeover Series: Songwriting Workshop

    Wed, Mar 20, 6:30 PM

    Desde $0.00


Organizador de Industry Takeover Series 2024
UD works for a world where young people who make and love Black Music, are recognised as equal to any excellent creative individuals, and are celebrated and supported as such.