
2024 Business Growth Society Events

Join a cohort of local women focused on developing the relationships and know-how to see their businesses flourish. Each event is an opportunity to learn and connect. All events include Brunch & Learn workshops with seasoned experts and a mini brand shoot

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  • Imagen principal de Business Growth Society Event: Awareness Tools for a More Aligned Business

    Business Growth Society Event: Awareness Tools for a More Aligned Business

    Wed, May 8, 9:00 AM

    Desde $0.00


Organizador de 2024 Business Growth Society Events
Hello! I’m Racheal.I’m a website, marketing, and tech strategist who loves to partner with smart entrepreneurs to create steady growth in their businesses.When I first moved to the area, I wanted to find an organization where I could connect with the women I love to help.But had a hard time finding a place where I felt like I could really connect.See, I’m allergic to small talk. I’m a go-deep-or-don’t-come-at-all kind of gal.I crave substance and the kind of relationship that feels genuine instead of transactional.So, eventually, I decided to create a space where these relationships could form organically, and this little endeavor has become a bit of a passion project for me.We started in April of 2023 with what was then called Designers’ Growth Society. A community specifically for local Interior Designers (one of the primary industries my agency, GreenHouse Creative, serves).After several months, we decided to open the group to women in all industries, knowing we could add even more value with a broader perspective and better opportunities to refer business to one another.I’m so excited to invite you into this community. I cannot wait to get to know you!HERE’S TO GROWING BETTER TOGETHER!