
Adult (ages 16+) events

298 seguidores

All of Ocean connects ADULT (ages 16+ only) events compiled into one convenient collection.

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  • Imagen principal de Sea Slug Survey Shore Event (adults +16)

    Sea Slug Survey Shore Event (adults +16)

    Tue, Nov 28, 1:00 PM


  • Imagen principal de Sea Slug Survey Shore Event (adults +16)

    Sea Slug Survey Shore Event (adults +16)

    Tue, Nov 21, 9:00 AM


  • Imagen principal de Sea Slug Survey Shore Event (adults +16)

    Sea Slug Survey Shore Event (adults +16)

    Tue, Nov 14, 1:00 PM



Organizador de Adult (ages 16+) events
Ocean Connect is a local not-for-profit organisation that is entirley powered by volunteers. Our focus aims to create a connection between the local community and their coastal and marine environment whilst engaging them in citizen science and environmental education programs.The organisation was established in 2013 and since then reaches the wider community including schools, community groups and businesses in the region. Each year, approximately 8000 participants take part in our programs.Our team consists of experienced marine science professionals that have been working in the field of environmental science for many years. We have strong collaborations with local government departments, local businesses (such as Palm Beach Surf Club and Oz Dive) and tertiary education institutions.